pre operative and post operative photo showing improvement hand span .
Pre op deformity |
post operative photo 3 months
note hand span |
pre operative dorsal photo |
Post operative dorsal view
improvement in hand deformity and hand function as evident in these photo
Release and groin flap cover |
groin flap during dressing |
hand function |
26 year old male who suffered burn in childhood and developed hand contracture . It disabled him limiting span of hand and doing dexterous task. He was advised surgery, contracture release . Upon releasing contracture it was found that the all the tendon and and nerve were bare . So decision was taken to do groin flap. Groin flap was divided after 3 weeks . once the wound healed physiotherapy was started.
Dr Adhishwar Sharma
Mch Plastic Surgery
Fellowship in microvascular and hand surgery ,8860650846
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