burnt hand release and groin flap

pre operative and post operative photo showing improvement hand span .         
Pre op deformity
post operative photo 3 months
note hand span

pre operative dorsal photo
Post operative dorsal view

improvement in hand deformity and hand function as evident in these photo

Release and groin flap cover

groin flap during dressing

hand function

26 year old male who suffered burn in childhood and developed hand contracture . It disabled him limiting span of hand and doing dexterous task. He was advised surgery, contracture release . Upon releasing contracture it was found that the all the tendon and and nerve were bare . So decision was taken to do groin flap. Groin flap was divided after 3 weeks . once the wound healed physiotherapy was started. 

Dr Adhishwar Sharma
Mch Plastic Surgery
Fellowship in microvascular and hand surgery
Brahmanandclinic.com ,8860650846


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