Andy Bump deformity Anterior mandibular reconstruction

Andy gump deformity is loss of anterior mandibular segment due to trauma ,infection or tumor resection. It is named after a famous cartoon character in USA . Best way to reconstruct is to do a microvascular reconstructive surgery. Osteocutaneous fibula is harvested on peroneal vessel , shaped into desired form and transferred. Microvascular anastomosis is done to local available  vessel. Flap is monitored for 5 days .Subsequently patient is discharged  . Tracheostomy if done is removed at day 5.

At two weeks

Fibula with blood vessel
vascular pedicle

pre op photo
intra oral reconstruction

Post op day 2 with tracheostomy in situ
A 40 year old Afghan soldier was hit with a  bullet injury 3 years back , in Mazar a Sharif Afghanistan . He lost anterior part of jaw and developed severe problems of eating and drinking . Speech was also affected. He come to India where we operated . Anterior jaw reconstruction was done with vascularized fibula and fixed with 2mm plates.Dr Ashish Garg maxillofacial surgeon assisted in getting right shape.Patient had tracheostomy which was removed post op day 5.

Once wound have healed and swelling settled patient will be planned for dental rehabilitation.

Dr Adhishwar Sharma 
MB,BS, MS General Surgery PGIMER Chd
Mch Plastic Surgery 
Fellowship in Hand and microvascular surgery


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